News Agency:News
Press Statement by the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran - Beijing
on the Exercise of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Inherent Right to Self Defense against Zionist Regime’s Aggression
16 April, 2024 The Islamic Republic of Iran, as a responsible member of the United Nation, emphasizing its commitment to the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and the rule of law, in response to the Zionist regime’s heinous military aggression and unlawful use of force against diplomatic premises of Iran in Damascus, the Syrian Arab Republic on 1stApril, 2024,implemented its inherent right of SELF DEFENSE in accordance with the Article 51 of the UN Charter on 14 April, 2024. Taking into account that while Zionist regime in a grave violation of UN Charter and basic norms of international law, committed a terrorist attack against a well-known diplomatic and protected Premises of Iran in Syria, butthe Islamic Republic of Iran exercised its inherent right of SELF DEFENSE in full compliance with the relevant rules and regulations, and only targeted military objectives and army bases, without harm, injury or suffering for the civilians. Noting that, regime’s aggression against the embassy, seriously violated Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations1961, and also Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes Against Internationally Protected Persons, Including Diplomatic Agents 1973, andthe United Nation Charter as well, so that the UN Security Council as the main UN body which is responsible for maintaining international peace and security,expected to confront such an evident violation of international regulations, but regrettably UNSC has failed to involve its duty in a right, fair, unbiased and undiscriminating manner. Consequently there was no other choice rather than the resort to the inherent right of SELF DEFENSE as articulated in Article 51 of the UN Charter, aimed at defending our people’s lives, national security and sovereignty. As eloquently scrutinized by the esteemed representative of the People's Republic of China to the United Nations, at the UN Security Council Briefing on the Situation in the Middle East: “On April 1, Iran's diplomatic premises in Syria were attacked by airstrikes, resulting in loss of several Iranian personnel and severe destruction to the premises. This is a grave violation of the UN Charter and international law and a breach of the sovereignty of both Syria and Iran. The attack is of an extremely vicious nature…. We have also noted that Iran stated that its military action was in response to Israel’s aggression against its diplomatic premises and the matter can be deemed concluded.” Finally, it worth reiterating that in contradiction to the occupying regime's aggressive and genocidal pattern which tends to escalate and exacerbate tensions in the region aiming to threaten the international peace and security by expanding the scope of the war far beyond the occupied Palestinian territories, the Islamic Republic of Iran is committed to the UN Charter and willnot hesitate to continue its constructive role for the stabilizing peace and stability in the region.
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